Monday 16 September 2019

Self-care is the best care

Hello my lovelies.

As we all know, our bodies, minds and souls are like plants: If you don't water them once in a while, they're going to wither away and die. Think about your phone's battery for instance. You don't really feel comfortable when the battery is low, many of us even go to extreme lengths to look for a charger, so why would you let your battery reach that state?

Self care is not a luxury, it is a priority. We need to take care of our physical health, mental health, emotional health as well as our spiritual health.

Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most of us are crazy busy, have stressful jobs, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. Me-time is usually last on the agenda. Worse, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking the time required to take care of ourselves. So getting started with self-care can be challenging.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to engage in self-care. Here are 5 ways to get started with your self-care:

1. Make sleep part of your self-care routine.

Sleep can have a huge effect on how you feel both emotionally and physically. Not getting enough can even cause major health issues. But stress and other distractions can wreak havoc on our sleep.
How can we do this? Start by thinking about your nightly routine. Are you eating or drinking immediately before bed? If so, it's especially important to stay away from caffeine and sugar, which tend to keep you awake.

2. Take care of your gut.
Your gut health can have a significant impact on your health, well-being, and feelings of vitality. The types of foods you eat crucially impact the bacteria that live in your stomach, resulting in a cascade of either positive or negative outcomes. An unhappy gut can lead to an unhappy person, and vice-versa.
The food we eat has the potential to either keep us healthy or contribute to weight gain or diseases such as diabetes, but it can also keep our minds working and alert. Eating the right foods can help prevent short-term memory loss and inflammation, both of which can have long-term effects on the brain and, in turn, the rest of the body. Some of the most amazing self-care foods include fatty fish, blueberries, nuts, green leafy veggies, and brassicas, like broccoli.

3. Exercise daily as part of your self-care routine.
We all know exercise is good for us, but do we really know how good it is? Daily exercise can help you both physically and mentally, boosting your mood and reducing stress and anxiety, not to mention helping you shed extra weight.
Of course, it might be hard to go to the gym every day, so try to incorporate other exercises, such as walking or yoga, which may be able to fit into your schedule more easily. The most important thing is to create a routine that works for you.

4. Say no to others, and say yes to your self-care.

Learning to say no is really hard; many of us feel obligated to say yes when someone asks for our time or energy. However, if you’re already stressed or overworked, saying yes to loved ones or coworkers can lead to burnout, anxiety, and irritability. It may take a little practice, but once you learn how to politely say no, you'll start to feel more empowered, and you'll have more time for your self-care.

5. Schedule your self-care time, and guard that time with everything you have.
It can be hard for us all to find extra time. But it’s extremely important to plan regular self-care time. Moments alone can help you to ponder the best ways to move forward in your life and keep you grounded. And moments with friends can help you feel more connected and relaxed.

Whether you decide you want to go for a long walk, take a hot bath, or enjoy a good movie with friends, taking self-care time is imperative. Look for small ways you can incorporate it into everyday life; for example, you might wake up 15 minutes earlier to sit with a cup of tea and practice deep breathing before the chaos of the day begins, or you might take a walk around the block on your lunch break. 

So those are some easy tips you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle. Best part is, these methods won't exceed your budget! The more you can work self-care time into your schedule, the better you’ll be able to grow, enjoy your life, and thrive. 

Until next time my lovelies...😘


Hello my lovelies!

So today I'd like to share with you guys some tips, tricks and techniques on self defense. We all want to feel safe or at least think that we're safe whether we're taking an evening stroll or even just running an errand down to the grocery store. Learning to defend yourself can make you feel more confident in your surroundings and this applies to both men and women, so here are a few tricks you can use in times of crises.

(Disclaimer: This is not a professional self defense lesson, for more information you should join an actual class)

Self defense tricks: 

1.How to escape a zip tie handcuff:

You're probably thinking when is this ever going to happen to me, right? Well you're wrong. The world we live in today is unpredictable and it's always better to be safe than sorry.


2. Groin kick :
A kick to the groin helps if surprisingly attacked, this with temporarily distract the attacker enabling you to easily escape.

3. If you were grabbed from behind:

Attackers often come from the back because this is the easiest way to hold the victim’s arms so that they can’t move them, in most cases when a victim is grabbed from behind it allows very little movement

4.If you were pushed against the wall:

It happens very often that attackers try to corner their victims or push them against a wall. If it so happens, try to think of the most vulnerable places to hit depending on your position. most these areas are such as the nose, that you can hit with the forehead, the throat as well as a kick on the ribs.

5.Escaping an uncomfortable hug:
If you were grabbed from the front and you can’t lift your hands, try to do the following:

  • Move your hands to the front and make a fist in front of your pelvis, this will create enough room between you and the attacker.
  • With the space between you, you can kick the attackers nose with your forehead, this will make the attacker move away from you.
  • Now hit him in the groin with your knee, and run to safety.

Those are a few self defense tricks you can try to learn, however the most important tips I'd say are:

  1. Do not allow yourself to go to risky places especially at dark hours
  2.  Avoid walking alone (Yeas, use the buddy system)
  3.  Never leave your drink/food unattended
  4.  Always be aware of your surroundings
  5.  and I cannot stress this enough: DON'T TRUST ANYONE!!!
When all else fails, RUN! Run like the wind and scream at the top of your lungs till somebody hears youπŸ˜‚. I do hope none of us ever need to use the above moves, but that's all I can do: hope. Share your experiences if you have any in the comment section and let us know what worked for you. It's a cruel world out there, stay safe my lovelies! Till next time😘

Sunday 15 September 2019

Bucketlist for the adventurous

Hello, my lovelies.

I sure am glad to see you on my page again, and if this is your first time, welcome!

One of my favorite things in the whole world is travelling, and if it's one of yours too, you sure as heck are going to enjoy this blog. A big dilemma I face often when planning a trip is figuring out the activities I want to do. It doesn't really help that I'm the type of person who doesn't really like repeating the same activities over and over again. I believe that there is so much we can do if we're brave enough to dare to try.

Without boring you too much with the usual 'You only live once' motivational statements we've all heard way too much, let's get into it. If you happen to be thinking of taking a trip anytime during the remainder of the year, or anytime ever, here is a list of things you should consider adding onto your bucket-list:

1. Bunjee Jumping:

Bunjee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground. The thrill comes from the free-falling and the rebound.

The best places to go bunjee jumping in the world include:
    Image result for bungee jumping images
  • Nevis Highwire, New Zealand – 134 meters
  • Navajo Bridge, Arizona, US – 141.5 meters
  • Kaivopuisto, Helsinki, Finland – 150 meters
  • Bhote Kosi River, Nepal – 160 meters
  • Altopiano di Asiago, Vicenza, Italy – 175 meters
  • Niouc Bridge, Switzerland – 190 meters
  • Europabrucke Bridge, Austria – 192 meters
  • Bloukrans Bridge, South Africa – 216 meters
  • Verzasca Dam, Ticino, Switzerland – 220 meters
  • Macau Tower, China – 233 meters

2. Scuba Diving:

If you are as fascinated about the aquatic life as much as I am, this is for you. Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba), which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater. Have your own 'Finding Nemo' experience with this one.

The best places to go scuba diving in the world are:
Image result for best scuba diving hd images 
  • The Yongala, Australia
  • Thistlegorm, Egyptian Red Sea
  • Shark and Yolanda Reef, Egyptian Red Sea
  • Manta Ray Night Dive, Kailua Kona, Hawaii
  • Great Blue Hole, Belize
  • USAT Liberty, Bali, Indonesia
  • Richelieu Rock, Thailand
  • Navy Pier, Western Australia
  • Barracuda Point, Sipadan Island, Malaysia
  • Blue Corner Wall, Palau, Micronesia

3. Hot Air Ballooning:

For those of us who do want a little thrill without actually having to jump off super high places or having to possibly swim with sharks, here's one that might suit you.

A hot air balloon is a lighter-than-air aircraft consisting of a bag, called an envelope, which contains heated air. Suspended beneath is a gondola or wicker basket (in some long-distance or high-altitude balloons, a capsule), which carries passengers and a source of heat, in most cases an open flame caused by burning liquid propane. The heated air inside the envelope makes it buoyant since it has a lower density than the colder air outside the envelope.

Hot air ballooning at Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Some of the best places to go hot-air ballooning are:

  • Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
  • Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Cappadocia, Turkey
  • Napa Valley, California
  • Sossusvlei, Namibia
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Queenstown, New Zealand
  • ChΓ’teau-d'Oex, Switzerland
  • Atacama Desert, Chile

4. Jet-skiing

Jet ski racing is a high speed water sport in which riders use jet skis to compete. Not only is it fun, but it is also great for developing your balance and coordination skills as well as your leg muscles. And fortunately, of all the water sports, jet skiing is probably the easiest to pick up, and also the fastest.

Image result for jet skiing best photos
Best places to go jet-skiing:
  •       Middlemoor Water Park, Woolavington, Somerset
  •         Hawaii
  •        Torbay, South Devon
  •        Gold Coast, Australia
  •        Port OlΓ­mpic, Barcelona

5. Sky-diving

This one is bit like bunjee jumping in the sense that it involves jumping off of a really high place. Only difference, there's no cord to hold you. It is also known as parachuting which is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent with the use of a parachute. I would mark this one as the most daring one because just the thought of it gives me an adrenaline rush!

Image result for sky diving best photos

The best places to go sky-diving include:

  • Hawaii, USA. ...
  • Fox Glacier, New Zealand. ...
  • Palm Jumeirah, Dubai. ...
  • Victoria Falls, Zambia, Africa. ...
  • Mount Everest, Nepal. ...
  • Interlaken, Switzerland. ...
  • Skydive Snohomish, Washington, USA. ...
  • Skydive Spain.

 So there you have it. Get out of your comfort zone once in a while and challenge yourself. It's worth the memories and the experience is quite riveting. If you're going to try any of these activities be sure to share how it was for you. If you've already experienced any of the above, tell us where you went and how it was for you in the comment section.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Till next time my lovelies...πŸ’“

Saturday 14 September 2019

All time comedy classics

Hey, my lovelies!
Once again, welcome to my blog and since it's  a Saturday, I'm going to help you find some low-cost methods of entertainment. All you need is your laptop, internet and probably a few snacks because yeah, you guessed it... we're going to talk about the all time best classic movies that will surely put a smile on your face without burning a hole in your pocket.

Let's dive right in, shall we!

Here is a list of my favorite comedy movies that I know will always turn my  money-tight Saturdays into a bearable weekend:

1. White Chicks
Image result for white chicks

  White Chicks was released on June 23, 2004, starring the hilarious Wayan brothers and Terry Crews, among others. The movie is about a pair of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, don whiteface to go undercover as white women in order to solve a pair of kidnappings. I guarantee this movie will have you cackling every few minutes and it will give you a really good time, cross my heart.

2. Scary Movie
Image result for scary movie 1 castAnother one by the Wayan brothers, Scary Movie is a 2000 horror comedy parody film directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans, as part of Warner Bros. Entertainment. It is an American dark comedy which heavily parodies the horror, slasher, and mystery genres. Several mid and late-90s films and TV shows are spoofed, most predominantly Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, along with The Sixth SenseThe Usual SuspectsThe MatrixThe Blair Witch Project and Dawson's Creek. If ever you're in the mood for a bit of a spook and a lot of laughs, this is a classic you should not miss out on.

3. Coming to America
Image result for Coming to America Coming to America casts comedian Eddie Murphy as pampered African prince Akeem, who rebels against an arranged marriage and heads to America to find a new bride. Murphy's regal father (James Earl Jones) agrees to allow the prince 40 days to roam the U.S., sending the prince's faithful retainer Semmi (Arsenio Hall) along to make sure nothing untoward happens. To avoid fortune hunters, Prince Akeem conceals his true identity and gets a "Joe job" at a fast-food restaurant. 

Eddie Murphy has proven to be one of the funniest comedians over the yeas and this is just one of his finest works. Best part is, a 'Coming to America 2' can be expected in 2020.

Image result for the pacifier cast

4. The pacifier
This is one of my all time favorites because imagine the huge Vin Diesel acting as a babysitter and having to sing lullabies while doing funny dances. 
In this movie, Navy SEAL Shane Wolfe is handed a new assignment after recovering from the wounds received in a failed rescue operation: Protect the five Plummer kids from enemies of their recently deceased father -- a government scientist whose top-secret experiment remains in the kids' house. If you want to see the softer side of Vin Diesel, give this one a shot.

5. Cheaper by the dozen 2
Image result for cheaper by the dozenThis Steve Martin classic will keep you on your toes. With a number of celebrities from Hillary Duff to Alyson Stone, Cheaper by the dozen is a perfect family movie to watch for all ages who just want to laugh.

Tom Baker (Steve Martin) and his wife, Kate (Bonnie Hunt), take their children for what they hope will be a relaxing summer at a lakeside resort. When the Bakers end up with the shoddiest unit imaginable, a clueless but well-meaning Tom struggles to repair it himself. To make matters worse, Tom's old nemesis -- Jimmy Murtaugh (Eugene Levy) -- and his similarly gigantic family appear on the scene and engage the Bakers in a not-so-friendly rivalry that threatens to spoil their trip.

So there you have it! These are some of my favorite classic movies of all time and I am more than happy to share them with you. All you have to do is get the popcorn popping and enjoy your weekend with these hilarious comedies.

I would love to hear your feedback, so be sure to tell me your favorite comedy movies and lets the world a better place one laugh at a time. Till next time my lovelies!😘

Self-care is the best care

Hello my lovelies. As we all know, our bodies, minds and souls are like plants: If you don't water them once in a while, they're ...