Monday 16 September 2019


Hello my lovelies!

So today I'd like to share with you guys some tips, tricks and techniques on self defense. We all want to feel safe or at least think that we're safe whether we're taking an evening stroll or even just running an errand down to the grocery store. Learning to defend yourself can make you feel more confident in your surroundings and this applies to both men and women, so here are a few tricks you can use in times of crises.

(Disclaimer: This is not a professional self defense lesson, for more information you should join an actual class)

Self defense tricks: 

1.How to escape a zip tie handcuff:

You're probably thinking when is this ever going to happen to me, right? Well you're wrong. The world we live in today is unpredictable and it's always better to be safe than sorry.


2. Groin kick :
A kick to the groin helps if surprisingly attacked, this with temporarily distract the attacker enabling you to easily escape.

3. If you were grabbed from behind:

Attackers often come from the back because this is the easiest way to hold the victim’s arms so that they can’t move them, in most cases when a victim is grabbed from behind it allows very little movement

4.If you were pushed against the wall:

It happens very often that attackers try to corner their victims or push them against a wall. If it so happens, try to think of the most vulnerable places to hit depending on your position. most these areas are such as the nose, that you can hit with the forehead, the throat as well as a kick on the ribs.

5.Escaping an uncomfortable hug:
If you were grabbed from the front and you can’t lift your hands, try to do the following:

  • Move your hands to the front and make a fist in front of your pelvis, this will create enough room between you and the attacker.
  • With the space between you, you can kick the attackers nose with your forehead, this will make the attacker move away from you.
  • Now hit him in the groin with your knee, and run to safety.

Those are a few self defense tricks you can try to learn, however the most important tips I'd say are:

  1. Do not allow yourself to go to risky places especially at dark hours
  2.  Avoid walking alone (Yeas, use the buddy system)
  3.  Never leave your drink/food unattended
  4.  Always be aware of your surroundings
  5.  and I cannot stress this enough: DON'T TRUST ANYONE!!!
When all else fails, RUN! Run like the wind and scream at the top of your lungs till somebody hears you😂. I do hope none of us ever need to use the above moves, but that's all I can do: hope. Share your experiences if you have any in the comment section and let us know what worked for you. It's a cruel world out there, stay safe my lovelies! Till next time😘


  1. These are great tips and tricks. Might even go for an actual class thanks to you.Great work.

  2. why would you put groinkick there why tho!


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