Friday 13 September 2019

GO-TO meals that can't GO-WRONG

Hello, my lovelies! 
Today, I would like to share with you the best dishes to order whenever you go out, that will do you no wrong...Periodt! I'm sure we've all had those dreadful experiences when we go out with our friends or on a date to a new restaurant and the menu just leaves us gobsmacked. The only thing going through your head is 'What should I order?' From drinks to meals, the fancy names just seem to puzzle you, and it doesn't help if you're actually hungry and you just want to eat already!

Now imagine a situation where you order a meal and it is the exact opposite of what you thought you'd be eating that day/ night. I'm speaking from experience when I say this, the fact that my money had gone to waste and I hadn't even enjoyed my meal hurt me most of all. And I'm a foodie so I love to eat, meaning when I can't eat something (And this happens very rarely) it really is bad!

Choosing the wrong meal or drink can be really annoying, and that's why you're here. I've come to learn to avoid such situations by using two (2) simple methods which are:

Image result for menu reading
  • Scan your menu long and hard:

I'm that annoying person that will be the last person to order because I want to really scan my options. I want to know what each dish consists of, reading every single thing and even googling the names of the dishes because I want a visual representation of what I'll be eating. Time consuming? Yes. But it sure is worth it when I'm enjoying my meal and the rest of my peers are scrunching their faces at their dishes. So take your time to really know what you'll be spending your money on and make it count.

  • Ask the waiters
Image result for waiter and customer
I mean, why else are they there? To assist you of course! Never be too shy to ask the waiter what comes in a certain dish because honey, that is money you're spending. It's not free! Make it worth your while. Ask them, test them even but be sure that by the time you're ready to order you already have the taste of the dish in your mouth, or at least what it looks like. There are cases of language barriers which I've experienced quite a lot, being a Tanzanian girl living in India. And in such cases, google has never failed me! 

That said, lets dive right in to the meals that you would probably find on any menu, anywhere you go and you don't have to worry that the dish will disappoint you. Lets call these our Go-To meals for any dinner or lunch.

The GO-TO meals that can't GO WRONG:

1. Barbecue chicken
Barbecue chicken consists of chicken parts or entire chickens that are barbecued, grilled or smoked. There are many global and regional preparation techniques and cooking styles. Barbecue chicken is often seasoned or coated in a spice rub, barbecue sauce, or both. Marinades are also used to tenderize the meat and add flavor.

This meal is so delicious but also visually appealing for those who take advantages of any photo opp possible

Image result for barbecue chicken sizzler

2. Spaghetti Bolognese
Bolognese sauce is a meat-based sauce in Italian cuisine, typical of the city of Bologna. It is customarily used to dress tagliatelle al ragù and to prepare lasagne alla bolognese. In the absence of tagliatelle, it can also be used with other broad, flat pasta shapes, such as pappardelle or fettuccine.

3. Burger and fries
This is a classic, for all ages all around the world. Best part is, it doesn't even have cultural restrictions because you could fill your burger with a beef or chicken patty, or even a vegetarian patty. It's a fun and easy meal to have and very rarely will it disappoint you. 

That said, grab your wallet and go treat yourself to a delicious meal, because after all, good food is good for your soul.

Be sure to try out the tips and tricks and let me know how they work in the comment section. Better yet, add on to them by telling me your ways. Till next time!😘


  1. Thanks for the trip to Marz, I'll be sure to try this the next time I go out.

    1. Thanks for your time, let me know how it works out for you. Cheers!

  2. Great tips will most certainly try the spaghetti meal


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